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China-U.S. Trade War Strategy for the Automotive Industry——Based on the Industrial Policy Perspective

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001349


Yang Yao

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Yang Yao


In July 2018, the trade war between China and the United States was officially launched. As an important field of global trade in the automotive industry, the tariff levy list for Sino-US trade frictions has repeatedly involved auto and auto parts related products. As the largest export market for auto parts in the US, trade friction will inevitably affect Chinese auto and auto parts industry. What challenges and opportunities will be encountered in the Sino-US trade war? In this regard, what measures should our country take to deal with the severe trade war? It has become an inevitable problem. This article mainly analyses the impact of Sino-US trade friction on my country's automobile and auto parts industry and analyses industrial policies, and briefly analyses the strategies for Sino-US trade friction challenges.


Trade frictions; Sino-US trade war; Industrial policy