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On the Duality of Translator’s Identity from the Perspective of Economic Function of Translation

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001462


Bingjie Zhang

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Bingjie Zhang


Translators must clearly realize that translation is not only a science, an art, but also a special industry if the act of translation, which shows the communicative relationship among different audiences in different social, cultural and economic backgrounds is analyzed from the perspective of economics. As the material basis of all other social relations, the economic function of translation industry should not be underestimated. The duality of translator’s identity, namely, the efficiency of translator’s work reflected in the sales link of translation industry and the contribution of translators to the promotion of cultural soft power, which refers to their output of social benefits, will play a decisive role when referring to the sustainable development of translation industry.


Economics; translation; economic function of translation; duality of translator’s identity