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Intelligent Mining Monitoring System Based on Big Data Technology

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001665


Xiao Wang , Cheng Li , Bo Yang

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Bo Yang


With the continuous improvement of my country's economic level, both the construction of urbanization and the continuous improvement of science and technology require a continuous supply of mineral resources and energy. Big data is a data processing and analysis technology. It was originally designed to solve the storage and processing problems of large amounts of data in distributed networks. Because of its high-precision and high-efficiency data analysis advantages, it has been widely used in various fields. Based on this, this article combines big data technology with mining intelligent monitoring system to design an intelligent mining monitoring system based on big data. Aiming at the problem of the traditional system's low accuracy of mining monitoring equipment, this article uses wireless sensors, card readers and central processing units in the hardware design of the system to achieve the system's collection of mining monitoring equipment operating data. The hardware design of the system; through the use of cloud computing and information fusion technology in the big data technology, the system has realized the analysis of the mine electromechanical equipment data, completed the system software design, and formed a big data-based mining intelligent monitoring system. Studies have shown that the specific high accuracy of the system designed this time is proved to ensure the safety, scientific and stability of the mining work.


Big Data Technology, Mineral Resources, Intelligent Monitoring, Cloud Computing