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Analysis of Market Conduct and Performance of China's Civil Aviation Industry

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000171


Lingyan Zhang

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Lingyan Zhang


After the reform and opening up, the rapid development of the civil aviation industry has made outstanding contributions to economic construction.With the development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, aviation travel has become the choice of more and more passengers.This paper first reviews the development history of which has promoted the continuous expansion of the demand in the civil aviation market and promoted the development of the civil aviation industryChina 's civil aviation industry and analyzes the development status and market structure of the civil aviation industry, Then proceed from the SCP model,This article analyzes the market conduct of the civil aviation industry through price behaviors, non - price behaviors and organizational adjustment behaviors,And analyzes the market performance level by selecting the output level, industry scale and the operational capability of the civil aviation industry,And then studies the relationship between the market conduct and performance. Through analysis,It is found that China's civil aviation industry still has the characteristics of oligopoly structure under government regulation,And its pricing is greatly affected by cost and regional development differences, affecting its profitability. Under the background of rapid development of civil aviation industry, service quality still needs to be improved.Vitality and market vitality is still enough. In order to effectively improve the competitiveness of the civil aviation industry and achieve a higher quality development,The government should speed up the transformation of functions, create a foreign market competition environment, and relax the government rules and regulations.Enhance the vitality of the civil aviation market competition, and strengthen infrastructure construction, promote the development of the civil aviation balance,Break the administrative monopoly of upstream products to reduce the costs.


Civil Aviation Industry; SCP Model; Market Conduct; Market Performance 1 The introduction