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Dilemma and Countermeasures of Community Residents' Rights Protection from the Perspective of Governance

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001713


Ying Xu

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Ying Xu


With the continuous acceleration of urban housing privatization, the community interest subjects are gradually increasing, the community interest relationship is increasingly complex, and the community residents' rights protection is gradually warming up. However, in practice, community residents are confronted with difficulties such as lack of legal knowledge, lack of organizational ability and lack of rights protection mechanism. From the perspective of community governance, community residents' rights protection is a specific means and method to participate in community governance. Based on the perspective of community governance, this paper discusses the countermeasures to improve the plight of residents' rights protection from the perspectives of government, community organizations and residents.


Community Residents; Rights Protection; Governance; Dilemma; Countermeasures