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Explicitation in the Translation of Children's Literature—A Case Study of the Chinese Version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Zhang Yousong and Zhang Zhenxian*

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001781


Xiaohua Yang

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Xiaohua Yang


Abstract: Since the Explicitation Hypothesis was put forward in 1986, it has attracted the attention of academic circles. Although there is no consensus on the classification of explicitation, it does not affect scholars' strong interest in its research. Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is a shining jewel of American literature and has been translated into various languages. Huck's innocence has also deeply attracted children and even adult readers from all over the world. By comparing the Chinese version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Zhang Yousong and Zhang Zhenxian’s with its original English text, from the perspective of the explicitation of the ideational function information, the interpersonal function information, and the textual function information, we have found explicitation is quite obvious in Zhang Yousong & Zhang Zhen Xianzhong's Chinese translation, especially the explicitation of the ideational information.


Keywords: Explicitation; Children’s Literature; Translation