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Left-behind Children's Academic Development

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DOI: DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001860


Sitong Lyu, Manuel S. González Canché and Wei Miao

Corresponding Author

Wei Miao


Abstract: The left-behind children have been a hot group of society engaging researchers and scholars studying in recent years. Caring for the growth of the left-behind children is a crucial choice to balance the well-being and development of this group. However, to some extent, the existing research has drawbacks on investigating the data of this group and focusing on some deviation factors. In this essay, the author reviews several current studies on this special group and got different even contradictory results from previous research. By comparing and sorting out the existing research, this essay presents the problems that existed in those researched and makes suggestions for prospective methods.


Keyword: Left-Behind Children; Bias; Quantitative Research; Research Method