Study on Influencing Factors of Turnover Intention of Knowledge Workers in Automobile Manufacturing Industry
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DOI: DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001924
Baixuan Wang and Jingjing Si
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Baixuan Wang
Abstract: In the twenty-first century of fierce competition, increasing evidence has shown that the competition for knowledge and talents has played a crucial role in the internal competition of enterprises in automobile Manufacturing industry: However, due to the increase of the automotive manufacturer's desire for knowledge workers, the increasing turnover probability of these employees may become a vital issue for enterprises' sustainable development: Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the influencing factors of turnover intention of knowledge workers in the automobile manufacturing industry using grounded theory: Through open coding, spindle coding and selective coding processes, we summarize related concepts and categories, and estimate the relationship between concepts and categories, and establish a knowledge workers' turnover intention model: Taking into account what we have discussed above, we may make the conclusion that compensation and benefits, corporate culture, corporate management system, working pressure, conflicts between family and job, and professional growth can indirectly change employee turnover intention by affecting job satisfaction and organizational commitments: Besides, conversion costs and external job creation can directly affect employees' turnover intention:
Keywords: Automobile Manufacturing; Knowledge Workers; Grounded Theory; Turnover Intention