Research on the Construction of China's Archaeological Site Museum—Talking from the Haihunhou Historic Site Museum
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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001846
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Zhonghui Chen
Abstract: The archaeological site museum is a unique type of museum and plays a significant role in the protection of cultural heritage. With the enhancement of archaeological excavation protection and display concepts, more and more archaeological site museums have been established. In recent years, the major discoveries of the Hai Hunhou Historic Site ruins have also made the construction of the site museum imperative. This article starts from the development process of the Chinese Archaeological Site Museum, and briefly analyzes the archaeological excavation of the HaiHunhou historic site and the construction of the site museum and the relationship between the Archaeological Park and explores the function of the Archaeological Site Museum the archaeological point of view.
Keyword: Haihunhou Historic Site; Archaeological Site Museum; Archaeological Park; Archaeological Site Museum Construction