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Interactive Research on National Language Industry and Foreign Trade along the Belt and Road

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001875


Jian Zhang

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Jian Zhang


Abstract: As an emerging industry, the language industry has not been formally included in the national statistical category: However, the new format of providing language products and language services is developing rapidly, and its contribution rate to the national economy is rising: The general framework of the language industry in China has basically formed: There are hundreds of national language types along the “Belt and Road”, and language interoperability has become one of the core demands of trade smoothness: The degree of development of the language industry is related to the quantity and quality of foreign trade along the line: Therefore, in order to promote China and countries along the line, we need to promote the development of China's language industry from the aspects of enhancing language industry awareness, improving laws and regulations, and cultivating professional talents:


Keywords: The Belt and Road, Language Industry, Foreign Trade