Creating and Testing of Multiple Intelligences Scale for College Students
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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001916
Tianran Yu and Xiaodong Li
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Xiaodong Li
Abstract: Purpose: develop a scale for measuring Chinese college students’ multiple intelligences: Method: the entries were envisaged theoretically on the basis of literature retrieval and interviews: The objects of study are the students from 8 universities in Beijing: There are two rounds of tests, an initial test (n=1091) and a proving test (n=1250) in which large sample questionnaire were sent out and collected: Then use the content validity and confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the validity of the scale and Cronbach’s α coefficient to examine the reliability: Results: The content validities were evaluated on the basis of content validity ratios (I-CVI=0: 792~1: 000, S-CVI/UA=0: 917, S-CVI/Ave=0: 946): The structure validity was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis (NNFI=5: 50, CFI=0: 93, IFI=0: 93, RMSEA=0: 064), the revised scale contains 86 entries in 8 factors, and the evaluation of proving test was steady: Reliability: the Cronbach’s α coefficient of the whole scale is 0: 949; the Cronbach’s α coefficient of each sub-scale is 0: 809~0: 924, and the reliability evaluation of proving test was steady: Conclusion: The multiple intelligences scale for university students has good reliability and validity, there are eight kinds of factors including verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist, and this scale can be used as a measuring tool for research in the field of psychology and pedagogy:
Keywords: Multiple Intelligences; College Student; Structural Equation Model; Confirmatory Factor Analysis