Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Construction of Sports Health Management System in Colleges and Universities in China
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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001918
Xiaodong Li, Qingwen Peng and Bing Zhang
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Bing Zhang
Abstract: In recent years, the physical literacy of college students in China has shown a continuous decline, which has attracted widespread attention from the country and people from all walks of life: China has also put forward the concept of "Healthy China 2030", which has raised the issues of national health as a national strategy, aiming to achieve the goal of "comprehensive health" by 2030: Based on this, as a university unit, it is necessary to pay more attention to the physical literacy of university students and actively build a university health management system to improve the health level of university students: This paper mainly expounds the current situation of sports health management system in colleges and universities and the physical condition of college students, analyzes the feasibility of the construction of sports health management system, and proposes practical and effective construction strategies, in order to provide some suggestions for the construction of sports health management system in colleges and universities:
Keywords: College Physical Education; Health Management System; Construction Strategy