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Interpretation on Evaluation of Social Benefits of Book Publishing in Practical Scenario

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001942


Fenglin Wang

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Fenglin Wang


Abstract: Trail Measures on Evaluation of Social Benefits of Book Publishing Houses made it clear that the evaluation and assessment on the social benefits of publishers covered the publishing quality and social and cultural influence, product structure, and profession characteristics, internal system, and team construction. Among these, policy orientation, key projects, awards and honors, social comments, international influence, and proofreading quality account for three fourths. This paper enumerates examples to illustrate the importance of the Measures. Furthermore, emphasizing that publications must be in line with the features of "specialization", "quality works", "characteristic works", and "novelty" to produce excellent publishing works that inherit civilization, disseminate knowledge and promote social development and scientific and technological progress.


Keywords: Social Benifits; Book Publishing; Technological Progress