Construction of Network Resource Sharing Platform for Pre-school Fine Arts Education under Internet Background
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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0001954
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Xiaojing Ding
Abstract: With the development of information technology, the informationization degree of preschool education has been significantly improved, and a large number of digital education resource platforms have been built to provide support for school education and teaching activities. This paper mainly studies the construction of pre-school art education network resource sharing platform under the Internet background. The system developed in this paper adopts MVC design pattern in technology. Considering the cross-platform and easily portable characteristics of Java, it adopts Java language development, applies SSH framework, and uses jQuery to optimize the interactivity of system interface. The database management software of the system adopts SQL Server. By establishing a relatively complete set of digital education resource integration and convergence engineering methodology, it provides the best solution for teachers in the process of applying resources, maximizes the support for teachers' work efficiency, and promotes the improvement of curriculum teaching level.
Keywords: Internet Background, Art Education, Network Resources, Sharing Platform