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Comparison of the Professional Education Model of Acupuncture -Moxibustion in Domestic and Abroad

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000251


Zhigang Zhou, Chenlu Xie , Yingheng Dai, Haiping Zhang, Zhijing Huang, Hua Xu and Jiang Wu

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Jiang Wu


Combining with the development of domestic and foreign education in acupuncture - moxibustion, this article analyzed and summarized the difference from the college setting , training objectives, enrollment requirements, the length of schooling and teaching hours, teaching materials, curriculum setting, clinical practical teaching, etc. Based on the principle of reserving characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, this article suggested that we should learn from foreign experience and the advantages to push forward the reform and innovation of the professional education mode of acupuncture – moxibustion.


Acupuncture - moxibustion Major; Professional Education; Comparison