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The Influence of Cultural Differences between China and the West on the Translation of English and American Literary Works

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000503


Shu Yu

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Shu Yu


Cultural differences must be reflected in language, which brings difficulties and obstacles to the translation process, especially for the translation of literary works with rich cultural connotations. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of cultural differences between China and the West on the translation of English and American literary works. First of all, we should realize the importance of English and American literary translation, and fully understand cultural differences from three aspects: cultural inclusion, cultural exclusion and cultural lack. Secondly, we should analyze the impact of cultural differences on English and American literary translation. This paper analyzes the language of Tess's translation by selecting the Er Hua words, appellation words and dialect slang as the representative variation components. The experimental results show that Zhang Guruo's translation has obvious regional characteristics in appellation words. The number of Er Hua words in Sun Zhili's translation is 70:19 and the number of Fang Yan slang is 65:10. Compared with the dialectal features of the original, Zhang's translation tends to be dialectalized, and the translator is subject to the specific social and cultural context in which he lives.


Cultural differences; British and American literature; Language variation; Works translation