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Correspondence to the Thesis of PDCA on the Training Model of Application-Oriented Talents in Engineering Cost Specialty

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000557


Yingli Wang

Corresponding Author

Yingli Wang


The major of engineering cost under higher vocational education is mainly to train senior technical and technical personnel who meet the needs of the socialist market economy and face engineering cost positions of construction units and design units. However, the quality evaluation system for the cultivation of engineering cost talents is a systematic project, and the quality evaluation system for the cultivation of talents based on the "PDCA" cycle principle is a practical evaluation method. This paper mainly studies the research on the training model of application-oriented talents in engineering cost specialty from the perspective of the corresponding paper PDCA. According to the social urgent need for engineering cost application-oriented talents, this paper focuses on the training goals and training styles of engineering cost-oriented application-oriented talents, and builds a talent training model of “PDCA cycle of integrated professional and enterprise + combination of learning and doing + top-level training” . According to the survey statistics in this article, the final result is 3.8637. It can be seen that the overall professional competence level of the surveyed engineering cost majors is generally “good”. Improving the quality of higher vocational education personnel training, cultivating a group of front-line workers with a solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability, and improving the professional ethics of workers are of far-reaching significance for the progress of national economic and social development.


PDCA; Talent Training Model; Applied Talent Training; Engineering Talents