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Design of Follow-up College English Curriculum Based on the Theory of Needs Analysis

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000692


Yinping Ji

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Yinping Ji


This paper conducts a school-based research using independent college as context of research - Sias University. The theoretical framework of NA is constructed on the basis of curriculum theories and Chen Bingbing’ NA model of college English, including individual NA model (data sources from undergraduates and teachers) and social NA model (data sources from graduates and domain experts). Questionnaire and semi-structured interview are used as research methods. Moreover, triangulation is adopted to increase reliability of the data. 1396 non-English major undergraduates from grade 2015 to 2017 at Sias University and 42 graduates who work at foreign-invested companies participated in the questionnaire. Moreover, fourteen undergraduates, eight graduates and twelve college English teachers, eight subject matter teachers and bilingual teachers and nine domain experts engaged in the semi-structured interviews. The construction of follow-up college English curriculum is beneficial for SU to set up school-based follow-up English courses, and further deepen the reform of college English teaching.


Needs Analysis (NA); Follow-up English curriculum; Curriculum design; Sias University (SU)