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A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Mobile Phone Addiction and Loneliness of College Students in China

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000812


Hua Pan, Meng Zhang and Jianrong Huang

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Hua Pan


This paper explored the overall relationship between mobile phone addiction and loneliness among Chinese college students based on the Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale, so as to find out and the factors affecting it. The meta-analysis involves a total of 14602 students extracted from 26 studies based on literature search. The results show that the correlation coefficient and 95%CI of mobile phone addiction was 0.275(0.236-0.313), suggesting a moderate positive correlation. Regional culture, the ratio of male to female subjects had a moderating effect on the relationship between the two factors.


Mobile phone addiction; Loneliness; Meta-analysis; College students