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Problems in the Teaching of "Engineering Drawing" and Measures to Improve the Teaching Effect

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000940


Zhenbo Bao, Xiaoshan Zhao and Shuhuan Li

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Zhenbo Bao


"Engineering Drawing" is a technical basic course with strong theory and practice required for mechanical engineering and related majors. The purpose of "Engineering Drawing" course is to learn the theory and method of reading and drawing engineering drawings, train students' ability of space thinking, and make students master the technology of reading and drawing engineering drawings. First, the characteristics of "Engineering Drawing" are analyzed, such as the combination of theory and practice, the requirement for students to have a good spatial imagination, more contents and less hours, etc. Secondly, the problems existing in the course teaching of "Engineering Drawing" are summarized, such as: the students feel that the course is difficult to study because of their little engineering experience, and the teaching method is too single, which leads to bad teaching effect, the course contents are many but the course hours are few, the teaching effect is difficult to guarantee and so on. Finally, some measures are put forward to improve the teaching effect of "Engineering Drawing" from the aspects of optimizing teaching contents, reforming teaching methods, using multimedia and other intuitive teaching methods, refining teaching contents according to the specialty, and adopting new comprehensive assessment system.


Engineering Drawing; Course Teaching; Improving Measures