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The Reform of Yoga Teaching in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation of "Fitness Yoga"

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000992


Hongdan Yang

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Hongdan Yang


This article mainly uses the literature method, Firstly, it expounds the constraints that affect the development of "fitness yoga" teaching in Chinese colleges and universities. Then combined with the new situation of the current domestic "fitness yoga" promotion, research on the current situation of yoga teaching environment, teachers and teaching mode in colleges and universities, put forward the strategy of fitness yoga development and promotion in colleges and universities:(1) College yoga teachers should strengthen their study, grasp the new situation of domestic fitness yoga development, and shoulder the responsibility of spreading and promoting fitness yoga;(2) Yoga teaching in colleges and universities should incorporate the "Standard Standards for 2018 Fitness Yoga Competition" and "General Yoga Yoga Ranks, Double Regulations and Four-person Collective Regulations" into the practical teaching process;(3) Schools with physical education departments in colleges and universities may consider adding fitness yoga courses when conditions are ripe.


Colleges; Fitness Yoga; Teaching; Reform