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A Study of Foreign Language Education in China Based on the Strategy of Cultural Going Out

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000962


Lin Hu

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Lin Hu


General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "promoting Chinese culture to go out, improving the soft power of national culture, and positioning China's position in the world culture pattern are related to China's international status and international influence." China's culture going out strategy is an important part of China's national culture security strategy. Promote Chinese culture to the world. Language is the carrier and bridge of culture. In promoting and spreading Chinese culture, foreign language education has a unique and unshakable responsibility. Therefore, in foreign language education, it is necessary to appropriately integrate Chinese culture, combine foreign language teaching with local culture, establish a new teaching mode that adapts to the integration of local culture and world culture, promote the socialist core values into foreign language classroom and foreign language teaching materials, and promote the "going out" of Chinese culture.


Culture Going Out; Strategy; Foreign Language Education