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Moral Education

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000987


Chao Song, Tianqin Shang, Ziyan Zheng and Yun Han

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Yun Han


As the successor of China's socialism in the 21st century, the educational task and goal of the Chinese people in the new era need to be cultivated with the profound virtue of Chinese culture. Virtue education is a kind of educational self-confidence which is based on history and continues cultural self-confidence. Establishing morality and cultivating people is the starting point and end point of all work, and also the "lifeline" of colleges and universities.[1]It is a good habit to plant a good seed on the top of children's hearts, make it germinate deeply, let children turn it into action, and keep this action all the time, which is called "Virtue”. A gentleman is a man of virtue. Adolescence is a critical period for the formation of moral character. Teachers play an important role in cultivating students' good behavior habits, improving students' moral cognition level, moral will and daily behavior habits. However, morality belongs to the category of superstructure and is a special social ideology.[2]This requires teachers to teach students the right direction. Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said, "learning high is a teacher, and virtue high is a model”. Although the position of teacher is ordinary, it is noble.


Moral Education; Casting Soul and Educating People; the Core Values of Chinese Socialism